Five steps to staying fit at your desk job

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Five steps to staying fit at your desk job

If you spend your workweek sitting in an office, you may find yourself frequently surrounded by sugary snacks, donuts and other things that make it difficult to stay in shape. Those who work at a desk job, whether in an office building or at home, can stay fit by following five easy steps.

Stretch: Do a variety of stretches to open up the spine and engage the abdominal muscles, which are often weakened by sitting in a chair. The back and spine are the core of the entire body. If there is no flexion or mobility in the spine, the rest of the body may be inclined to suffer along with it. Stretches for the spine include the crossed leg toe reach. Stand up and cross one foot over the other. Keep a flat spine while bending over, driving the back heel to the ground. Bent over slowly while focusing on the stretch in the hamstring of the back leg and then switch sides. This combats lower back stiffness.

Do some neck rotations. Slowly move your head from side to side. Each round ends with your ear reaching toward your shoulder. You can do the seated torso twist by sitting down and twist at the hips while grabbing hold of your chair, and gently increase the range of motion of the twist. The static reverse leg raise is also a good exercise. Keep the chest and shoulders back and bend one leg behind you and rest it on the seat of a chair. Keep the hips parallel and lightly press forward through the front leg. The hip flexor of the back leg is being stretched.

The overhead reach to a twist involves extending both arms overhead, interlace the fingers, and face the palms away from your body. Twist from side to side, trying to look at opposite sides of the room. The behind the back clasped hand reach entails clasping your hands behind your back, open up the chest, and press the hands down as deeply as they can go. This opens up the shoulder girdle, which combats being hunched over a desk all day.

Eat intentionally: Have a planned lunch or small meals and healthy snacks like apples, protein shakes, salads and fiber bars. Smaller meals throughout the day increase metabolism and are better than gorging all at once on a large, unhealthy meal. Bring your own snacks to reduce temptation to dip into the office goodies; packs of tuna are a good choice because the omega-3 from the tuna can help keep a mind sharp, increase energy, and improve eyesight along with many other benefits.

Drink plenty of water: If there is no fresh water supply at work, bring a 32 or 40-ounce flask or bottle. Drinking enough water is one of the easiest ways to manage body weight and reduce your food consumption. Recommended water intake: half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day.

Exercise each day: This can mean a walk on your break, using your lunch to workout at a gym or go for a run and then eat lunch while you’re at your desk working. Turn daily tasks

into exercises, such as bending down to get something with a squat or lunge, or have your workout planned before or after your shift and stick to it.

Find an accountability partner: This can be your husband or wife, co-worker, or a good friend. Find someone with similar health goals and support each other. It is easier to stick with your plan if someone checks in with you or helps you adhere to a schedule or nutritional goals.

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